Make a Pledge

Energy and Green Building

Energy and Green Building

Energy consumption from electricity and fossil fuel contribute 92.5 % of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission in Jakarta. Support DKI Jakarta to reduce emissions from the energy sector!

Transportation and Air Quality

Transportation and Air Quality

Motor vehicles emit GHG emissions and pollution in DKI Jakarta. Support DKI Jakarta to improve air quality and reduce GHG emission!

Solid Waste

Solid Waste

DKI Jakarta has a target to reduce 30% of its waste. Support DKI Jakarta to achieve those targets!

Participants and pledges in number

1 People have participated to make pledge
1 Pledge
Energy and Green Building
0 Pledge
Transportation and Air Quality
0 Pledge
Solid Waste
About Ikhtiar Jakarta

About Ikhtiar Jakarta

Together, let's build a cleaner and greener Jakarta

Ikhtiar Jakarta is a document containing an integrated strategy and climate action plan, including mitigation and adaptation actions, to address the climate crisis in DKI Jakarta. The document outlines the stakeholders’ commitment on various climate change sectors including energy and green building, transport and air quality, waste management, clean water, green spaces and urban farming, as well as health and disaster management.

Learn More

Supported by

Lingkungan Hidup (DLH)
Jakarta a city of collaboration
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety