Jakarta BerketahananProdukPublikasiPustaka

Jakarta Cross Learning Visit to Seoul


In March 2018, CityNet facilitated a cross learning visit of Jakarta Metropolitan to Seoul Metropolitan focusing on youth’s participation in urban resilience. The objective of this visit aims to facilitate and to improve the capacity development of the local government to achieve a more resilient Jakarta through the participation of community, children, youth, and women.

The cross learning visit of Jakarta Metropolitan to Seoul Metropolitan activity was attended by 9 (nine) people who were initiators and/or champions related to the Jakarta Resilience and Jakarta program towards the Child-Friendly City (KLA). Participants in the Study Visit activities, are: (i) Oswar M. Mungkasa, Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Province in Spatial and Environmental Affairs; (ii) Blessmiyanda, Assistant Deputy for DKI Jakarta Province in the field of Environment; (iii) Tri Indrawan, Staff of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of DKI Jakarta Province; (iv) Fatmawati Wachju, Staff of the Office of Empowerment, Child Protection and Population Control (PPAPP) of DKI Jakarta Province; (v) Denny Aputra, Head of Kelurahan Duri Utara, Tambora District, West Jakarta Administration City; (vi) Tri Mulyani Sunarharum, Program Manager of the Jakarta Secretariat Resilience; (vii) Rendy Primrizqi, Communication Staff of the Jakarta Secretariat Resilience; (viii) James Ballo, Thrive Program Manager for Plan International Indonesia; and (viii) Amin Magatani, Advisor of Plan International Indonesia

video can be watch:

Jakarta Cross Learning Visit to Seoul – YouTube

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