BeritaJakarta BerketahananKliping

Jakartans urged to carry own tumbler

To reduce plastic consumption in Jakarta, the administration has called on residents to start carrying their own tumblers instead of buying bottled water.

During the commemoration of National Waste Awareness Day in Rawajati subdistrict in Pancoran, South Jakarta, on Sunday, Jakarta Environment Agency head Isnawa Adji urged residents of the capital to reduce the use of single-use plastic bags when shopping and carry their own tumbler.

“Let’s start an environmentally friendly movement by carrying our own tumbler and reusable shopping bag,” he said as quoted by

He added such small moves would greatly help conserve the environment if carried out regularly.

“Plastic bags and straws are single use. They end up polluting our waters and become marine debris,” he said.

Jakarta produces 7,400 tons of waste daily, 1,400 tons of which comes from South Jakarta.

Annually, the capital produces 2.5 millions tons of waste, 357,000 of which is plastic. Not all of the waste can be disposed at Bantar Gebang in Bekasi, West Java, the only dump site for Jakarta’s waste that will reach full capacity in 2021.

The agency is drafting a gubernatorial regulation that will ban the use of single-use plastic bags at traditional markets and modern retailers. The draft is expected to be signed by Governor Anies Baswedan in March. (fac)

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