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Govt promotes urban farming in cities to tackle climate change, decrease air pollution

City-owned sewerage company PD PAL Jaya has called on the public to use the services of septic tank pump truck operators and to send their human waste to sewage treatment plants (IPLTs) to avoid pollution.

“The more people use these trucks regularly, the more they will come here,” Head of PD PAL Jaya Hendri Stohang told The Jakarta Post on Tuesday.

Hendri said the more waste that was delivered to the treatment facility, the more fertilizer and energy could be produced by the plant for the city’s needs.

He revealed that the IPLT in Duri Kosambi in West Jakarta, one of the company’s sewage treatment plants, had the capacity to treat some 900 cubic meters of sewage daily, but it only received approximately 200 cubic meters per day.

PD PAL Jaya has two PPLPs, in Duri Kosambi and in Pulo Gebang in East Jakarta, with a total processing capacity up to 1,800 cubic meters of sludge per day. However, neither has reached its maximum capacity.

Recently, PD PAL Jaya alleged some septic tank-pumping businesses in Jakarta were dumping waste into rivers, the sea or public places, without first processing it at an IPLT as it should be.

The company’s research and development assistant manager, Johan Sufandi, made the claim after discovering that only around 100 of the 300 registered private septic tank pumping businesses treated their waste at IPLTs. He believes the others do not do so for reasons of time and cost.

Separately, Mus, who works as a driver of a septic tank pumping truck, said he had never heard of any operators dumping waste in public spaces. He is one of hundreds of drivers who regularly come to the IPLT in Duri Kosambi for waste disposal. Mus said he paid Rp 27,500 (US$ 1.95) per cubic meter at the plant.

“I don’t think they would dare to dispose of it in public because there is a task force which monitors our activities,” he told the Post after disposing of around 3.5 cubic meters of waste.

Responding to Johan’s claim, PAL Jaya’s president director, Subekti, urged the public to report to the company if they saw any truck dumping human waste in public places.

The Post contacted the Jakarta Environmental Agency head Djafar Muchlisin in relation to the dumping claims but he declined to comment.

Earlier, Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan expressed his anger at the reports of septic tank trucks dumping their waste in rivers.

Anies threatened to revoke permits of any septic tank pumping company found to be dumping waste improperly.

He said he had prepared short- and long-term plans to overcome the problem and also to prevent pollution caused by domestic waste.

He said his administration would record the names of about 500,000 residents who did not have access to decent toilets and help them build the facilities.

Anies said the city would also allocate Rp 8.7 trillion to build a Zone 1 integrated sewage treatment network system and establish a network of biopal toilets, complete with waste installations, in Central and North Jakarta.

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Oleh: das/jun, The Jakarta Post

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