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Satellite cities gear up as Health Ministry green lights PSBB request

West Java’s cities and regencies in Greater Jakarta, namely Bogor municipality and regency, Depok as well as Bekasi municipality and regency, are preparing to impose their own large-scale social restriction (PSBB) policies, as the Health Ministry has approved their requests for such restrictions.

A ministerial decree issued on Saturday – a copy of which was obtained by The Jakarta Post – shows the ministry’s approval of the requests due to “significant escalation of COVID-19 cases in five cities and regions” surrounding the capital city.

The decision was made based on “results of epidemiology study as well as the regions’ preparedness on social-economy aspect.”

“It is necessary for the aforementioned cities and regencies to implement PSBB to curb the spread of COVID-19 in the region,” as written in the ministerial decree.

Jakarta on Friday became the first region to impose stricter restrictions on people’s movement, in accordance with the PSBB status, in an effort to prevent further spread of COVID-19. As of Sunday noon, the capital had seen 1,948 confirmed cases, which represented 50 percent of cases nationwide.

Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan had previously suggested that the PSBB policy be applied to Jakarta’s satellite cities, as the outbreak had affected the entire region.

West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil submitted to the Health Ministry on Wednesday a proposal to implement PSBB status in five cities and regencies surrounding the capital .

A 2020 government regulation on PSBB requires regional administrations to obtain a permit issued by the Health Ministry prior to imposing the social restrictions in their region.

The ministry’s disease control and prevention director general Achmad Yurianto said the technical guidelines on restrictions would be prepared by the respective regional administration.

“They must issue a regional regulation on when and how to implement such restrictions,” said Yurianto, who is also the government’s spokesperson for COVID-19, as quoted by Antara news agency.

West Java’s Ridwan said he would coordinate with mayors and regents as well as the Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda) to discuss the preparation for PSBB implementation.

Bogor and Depok suggested to the provincial administration that the social restrictions be imposed on Wednesday or Thursday.

Bogor Deputy Mayor Dedie A. Rachim said the city administration had been coordinating with the Forkopimda to carry out a simulation prior to the policy implementation.

Meanwhile, Depok Mayor Muhammad Idris said he was drafting a mayoral decree, which would be issued after the West Java provincial administration issued a regional decree as a legal basis for the PSBB in the area.

Bekasi Mayor Rahmat Effendi said the municipality was ready to follow the restriction protocols. The Bekasi administration had previously imposed a stricter policy, including ordering all minimarkets to close by 8 p.m.

Greater Jakarta includes South Tangerang, Tangerang municipality and Tangerang regency in Banten, as well as Depok, Bekasi municipality, Bekasi regency, Bogor municipality and Bogor regency in West Java. It covers an area occupied by around 30 million residents, many of whom, under normal circumstances, commute to the capital for work. (trn)

Arya Dipa contributed reporting from Bandung, West Java.

Artikel ini telah tayang di thejakartapost.comdengan judul “Satellite cities gear up as Health Ministry green lights PSBB request”,
Penulis : Arya Dipa
Editor : The Jakarta Post
Foto Cover : Passengers wearing masks ride a Transjakarta bus on Friday. The Jakarta administration has imposed large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) that will last for two weeks starting on Friday in a bid to control the spread of COVID-19. (Antara/Aprillio Akbar)

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